Swimming is known to be beneficial on several levels and is a form of exercise that is appropriate at all ages. There are a number of ways to better one’s health, while having fun in the water.
Swimming limits the impact on joints: While water resistance is much stronger than air resistance, there is no impact on the joints with swimming. This is helpful both in maintaining good joint health, and also for those who already have joint injuries. This also makes it a great choice for older people who are looking for a safe way to keep their body in good shape.
Swimming is good for cardiovascular health and circulation: Swimming is a full body workout which challenges the heart to pump extra oxygen to all the muscles in the body. The longer one swims, the more of a cardiovascular workout they will have. Endurance and interval training can be used to increase the cardiovascular effects of swimming.
Swimming improves lung function: Over time, the pattern of holding one’s breath between strokes will increase lung capacity, something that is especially important for all of us as lung capacity can diminish over time. The humid air inhaled can also improve the health of lungs and decrease asthma symptoms.
Swimming promotes muscular strength: Swimming strengthens and tones the whole body – arms, shoulders, back, core, and legs. Doing a variety of strokes increases the number of muscles used, and of course, the water resistance has a great deal to do with the effectiveness of the workout.
Swimming has psychological and mental benefits: Swimming promotes a heightened sense of well being, builds confidence and self-esteem, and helps develop skills like goal-setting and time management. Many people find that swimming regularly increases their sense of balance in life and becomes somewhat of a sanctuary during times of stress.